Thursday, July 16, 2009

Rally Against US Complicity in Honduran Coup

The Latin American Solidarity Network will rally at 1 p.m. on Saturday, July 18 at the US Consulate in Toronto (360 University Ave. @ Dundas St.) to demand the US government stop lending legitimacy to the coup leaders and work towards the immediate and unconditional restoration of Manuel Zelaya to the Honduran presidency.

Despite public statements by President Obama condemning the coup, the US State Department has refused to take steps to effectively pressure the de facto regime nor to legally certify the events in Honduras as a "coup d’état" – something that would require the US to suspend economic, diplomatic and military aid to Honduras immediately.

Activists in Toronto wear maks and handcuffs at a rally on July 14 to represent the repressive regime of Roberto Micheletti

“No one doubts Washington's involvement in the coup in Honduras that began on June 28. Many analysts, leaders and even presidents, have denounced this,” stated Eva Golinger, a distinguished journalist who helped expose the US role in the coup against President Chavez of Venezuela.

Democratically elected Honduran president Manuel Zelaya was overthrown in a military coup in June and the de facto government has categorically refused to allow his return to power, threatening instead to arrest him if he sets foot on Honduran soil.

The US Ambassador in Tegucigalpa, Hugo Llorens, was fully aware prior to the events of June 28 that a coup was being planned yet allowed the coup leaders to proceed. The Obama administration has subsequently pursued a policy of facilitating “negotiations” between the coup regime and Zelaya. This strategy only serves to discredit President Zelaya and legitimize the coup leaders.

Latin American Solidarity Network is an independent and inclusive group of people and organizations working in solidarity with Latin American grassroots movements and struggles.

Background information:

For more information, contact:
Carlos Torchia
Phone: 416-962-0904

Luis Granados Ceja
Phone: 416-417-0931

Peter Kent’s Constituency Office Closed to Canadians with Concerns Regarding Honduras

RESPONSE: Please call, fax, email the Minister of State of Foreign Affairs (Americas), Peter Kent at his constituency office to demand that the Canadian government immediately suspend aid to the de facto government of Honduras.

On Tuesday, 14 July, approximately 40 demonstrators picketed in front of Minister of State of Foreign Affairs Peter Kent’s constituency office in Thornhill, Ontario to protest his and the Canadian government’s ambiguous position on the military coup d’état in Honduras. Despite having scheduled a meeting with a group of concerned citizens to discuss the Canadian position, Kent’s constituency office staff locked the doors and put up a ‘closed’ sign forcing demonstration representatives ready to meet with Kent and/or his staff to leave a prepared briefing with clear demands (see below) stuck to the door.

Take Action!

To encourage Minister Kent and his constituency office staff to embrace democracy and openness and to continue to demand that the Canadian government take strong action against the illegal government in Honduras, please:
  1. Call, fax, or email Minister of State of Foreign Affairs (Americas) Peter Kent at his constituency office, Tel: 905-886-1426, Fax: 905-886-5267, Email: Use the call script below.
  2. Call, fax, or email your MP (click here to contact your MP using your postal code) to demand that the Canadian government:
  • unequivocally denounce the military coup
  • refuse to recognise any ‘de facto’ government in Honduras
  • insist on the immediate and unconditional reinstatement of the legitimate Honduran President, Manuel Zelaya
  • cut aid to the illegal Honduran government
  • demand respect for safety and human rights of all people in Honduras
  • demand justice and reparations for the illegal actions and rights violations committed during this illegal coup
Note: Please send copies of all email correspondence to the Latin American Solidarity Network at

Call Script:
I urge Canada to take strong action to reject the military coup in Honduras. In keeping with the Canadian government’s stated condemnation of the coup, please demand the immediate and unconditional reinstatement of legitimate Honduran President, Manuel Zelaya, as our European allies have already done. I know that Honduras is the largest recipient of Canadian aid in the Central American region. As several countries around the world have already done, please also cut all Canadian assistance to the de facto government, including military aid. Canada must immediately back up its words with actions to further isolate the illegal government in Honduras.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Cut aid to illegal Honduran government

Call the Minister of State of Foreign Affairs (Americas), Peter Kent, to demand that the Canadian government immediately suspend aid to the de facto government of Honduras.

Democratically elected Honduran president Manuel Zelaya was overthrown in a military coup on June 28th, and the de facto government has categorically refused to allow his return to power, threatening instead to arrest him if he sets foot on Honduran soil. Zelaya attempted to return to his country on Sunday, but his plane was unable to land after the Honduran military placed vehicles on the runways of the international airport. Meanwhile, at least two peaceful protestors have been killed and others injured, civil liberties have been suspended, and journalists have been harassed and detained by the current authorities.

The Canadian government has denounced the coup. However, its position remains ambiguous. Canada has not cut aid, including military aid, to the illegal government that assumed power following the early morning kidnapping of President Zelaya ten days ago. Honduras is the largest recipient of Canadian aid in the Central American region.

The suspension of aid would further isolate the illegal regime that has taken power in Honduras. Already, the United Nations, Organization of American States (OAS), European Union and others have condemned the coup and called for Zelaya's return. The OAS has expelled Honduras, European and Latin American nations have withdrawn their ambassadors, and multilateral financial institutions including the World Bank have frozen loan payments.

We stand in solidarity with the thousands of Hondurans risking their lives in the streets to demand that their voices and their votes be respected. We join the Honduran and other Latin American communities in Canada in demanding that the Canadian government move beyond words in this urgent situation and take strong action against the illegal government that has taken over in Honduras. Call Minister Kent today!

Take Action!

  1. Call, fax, or email Minister of State of Foreign Affairs (Americas), Peter Kent at Tel: 613-992-0253, Fax: 613-992-0887, Email: Use the call script below.
  2. Call, fax, or email your MP (click here to contact your MP using your postal code) to demand that the Canadian government:
  • unequivocally denounce the military coup

  • refuse to recognise any ‘de facto’ government in Honduras

  • insist on the unconditional reinstatement of the legitimate Honduran President, Manuel Zelaya

  • cut aid to the illegal Honduran government

  • demand respect for safety and human rights of all Hondurans

  • demand justice and reparations for the illegal actions and rights violations committed during this illegal coup

Note: Please send copies of all email correspondence to the Latin American Solidarity Network at

Call Script:
I urge Canada to take strong action to reject the military coup in Honduras. In keeping with the Canadian government’s stated condemnation of the coup, please demand the immediate and unconditional reinstatement of legitimate Honduran President, Manuel Zelaya, as our European allies have already done. I know that Honduras is the largest recipient of Canadian aid in the Central American region. Please also cut all Canadian assistance to the de facto government, including military aid. Canada must immediately back up its words with actions to further isolate the illegal government in Honduras.